所有甲状腺验血没有确定甲状腺功能准确。确定甲状腺疾病的唯一方法是从反应和症状。 - 根据R. I,S,贝利斯先生博士著名内分泌专家与最前面利斯特医院在伦敦,英格兰,内分泌英国皇室
Only 18% of the thyroid hormone can be found in the blood. The chances of detecting thyroid disorders in the blood are low because it is not comprehensive enough. It is estimated that 80% of the population has a thyroid disorder.
A blood test measures only the TSH levels, which have limited value in diagnosing thyroid conditions. The TSH levels measured traditionally determine the ‘ideal’ dose of thyroid medication, so it is not surprising that most often patients still remain symptomatic, as blood tests are not a valid medium to determine thyroid function. Many individuals have “normal” TSH levels but suffer from the classic symptoms of hypothyroidism. Most physicians require objective evidence before diagnosing hypothyroidism on the basis of a patient’s clinical symptoms when their blood tests fall within the “normal” range. These sub-clinical hypothyroidism individuals are often denied treatment that would help them manage their condition and symptoms.
Unlike the blood test, the Thyroflex tests the end artifact of the thyroid function (FT3) and it has a 98.5% accuracy rate. The Thyroflex test measures the neurotransmitter speed (brain function), the reflex speed and the resting metabolic rate (RMR). It also takes into account the “Core Hormones” i.e. stress hormones (Cortisol, GABA, DHEA, D3), sleep hormones, Iodine and CoQ10. For this reason, Thyroflex Thyroid Testing is most feasible for making a diagnosis and for determining the optimal dose of thyroid medication for symptomatic patients.
The connection was made late in the 19th century when doctors studying patients with Hypothyroidism observed that clinically hypothyroid individuals have very slow or absent tendon reflexes. The speed at which this reflex reaction occurs is an indicator of cellular function. The lower the speed of conduction, the lower the cellular energy and function.
Cellular function is ultimately controlled by T3, the most biologically active thyroid hormone. Low levels of T3 in the cells result in diminished cellular function, which ultimately causes the clinical symptoms of Hypothyroidism. Since blood tests cannot measure the level of intracellular T3, one way to objectively test cellular function is by measuring the speed at which a nerve impulse is conducted through nerve and muscle cells. Thyroid disorders tend to run in families, therefore it is usually hereditary. In medical school, we are all taught that the reflexes speed up and slow down with thyroid function.
One of the oldest tests for hypothyroidism was the Achilles tendon reflex test in which the rate of relaxation of the calf muscle corresponds to thyroid function. The relaxation is slow in hypothyroid people. Exactly the same slow relaxation occurs in the hypothyroid heart muscle, contributing to heart failure, because the semi-contracted heart can’t receive as much blood as the normally relaxed heart. The hypothyroid blood vessels are unable to relax properly, contributing to hypertension. Hypothyroid nerves don’t easily return to their energised relaxed state, leading to insomnia, parasthesias, movement disorders, and nerves that are swollen and very susceptible to pressure damage.
“甲状腺激素保持细胞能量高,肾上腺素低,反射强烈。毫无疑问,这对双方的看法和应对的重要作用。 检查跟腱反射松弛率是一个快速的方法来检查你的神经和肌肉甲状腺的作用。松弛应该是瞬间的,松散和软盘。 有代谢率,每天的温度循环,和脉率(早餐后温度应上升)的蒸发损失水量和肌肉松弛的速度(跟腱反射松弛)的几家便利指标。 测量跟腱反射抽搐的速度和松弛是用于判断甲状腺功能传统方法中,由于在甲状腺机能减退松弛可见地延迟”。
Woltman’s sign of myxoedema, named after Henry Woltman in 1956, is the delayed relaxation phase of the muscle stretch reflex in patients with myxoedema. Although a change in these reflexes was mentioned as being clinically evident possibly as early as the 1870s, no formal description was published until 1924 when William Calvert Chaney objectively quantified the change. Woltman was involved in training Chaney, and it has been proposed that he guided Chaney’s study of these reflexes. Despite the attachment of Woltman’s name to the eponym, little evidence exists that directly links him to the first objective study of the muscle stretch reflex in myxoedema performed by Chaney.
Turner 博士是 Thyroflex、“核心激素”系统、BioPharma Nutaceuticals、SAM 激素综合软件分析、Dr Referral System 服务的发明者、创造者和知识产权持有人,最初开始开发甲状腺反射研究现在称为 Thyroflex,专注于跟腱反射。然后特纳博士将研究和测试转移到肱桡肌上,作为一个更实用的测试位置,手臂中的肱桡肌,用于测试和筛选患者。跟腱和肱桡肌有 99.9% 的相关性。然后在三年内对 2,200 人完成了临床试验,不仅测试了反射速度,还测试了神经递质和静息代谢率。 (RMR) 当我们将症状与 Thyroflex 结果相结合时,我们能够为其他医疗实践提供一个精确的集成系统来治疗和帮助他们的甲状腺疾病患者。结果本身就是证据。 Thyroflex 经过同行评审、发布,并获得 FDA 和 CE 注册。
现在的Nitek Thyroflex系统已经测试了超过1/3万人,找准那些患有甲状腺疾病的风险。治疗用的Nitek核心激素协议和生物制药药物甲状腺疾病鉴定的人,并协助这些人引领生活无症状质量。特纳博士还发现了他的研究和临床试验的努力,如何识别桥本,怎么把它变成缓解,以及如何最终消除自身免疫性疾病帮助的数万人要自身免疫自由,并一度享受生活再次。
The TSH blood test is generally considered the most sensitive marker of peripheral tissue levels of thyroid. Many believe this view, however it is incorrect. Some endocrinologists and other physicians erroneously assume that, except for unique situations, a normal TSH is a clear indication that the person’s tissue thyroid levels are adequate (i.e. symptoms are not due to low thyroid). But a more thorough understanding of the physiology of hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis and tissue regulation of thyroid hormones exposes it is clearly erroneous the widely held belief that the TSH is an accurate marker of the body’s overall thyroid status. Therefore, the TSH blood test is not a valid or accurate indicator of thyroid function.
发表在一个大的研究 杂志BMC内分泌疾病 evaluated the accuracy of TSH by testing 2570 women attending a reproductive endocrine clinic for menstrual irregularities or infertility. The study found that the TSH was a very poor indicator of abnormal thyroid function as over half the women with a TSH between 2 and 4 mIU/L, which would be interpreted as indication of normal thyroid function, were shown to be hypothyroid when the more accurate and sensitive TRH testing was done.
发表在研究 英国医学杂志 检查用TSH作为适当甲状腺替代标记物的准确性。该研究发现,TSH是最佳的甲状腺功能的一个非常贫困的指标,而受抑制TSH并没有结束,更换一个准确的指标。结果表明的80%的时间被抑制TSH不是亢进或过更换的指示,并且作者阻止对TSH为最佳剂量的依赖。
一个这样的研究清楚地表明了这一事实发表于 临床内分泌学与代谢杂志。据测定多久中央甲状腺功能减退症,将其与TRH试验证实过去了标准甲状腺功能检查发现。作者发现的甲状腺功能减退患者中有92% 将仍然未确诊 使用基线甲状腺功能测试(血液测试)。作者的结论。 “...大多数现有的研究未能准确地识别甲减许多情况下,因为诊断标准要求低于正常范围一个T4或FT4值在除了低TSH值。然而,甲状腺功能减退患者最多具有正常范围”的较低部分内的正常TSH值和T4或FT4水平。
注意: 在我们的 资源,有一个与引用血液检验的全面审查,至于为什么甲状腺验血没有确定甲状腺功能有效。作为R.I.S.博士贝利斯说,没有血液测试是有效的,确定甲状腺功能的唯一途径是症状和反射。该Thyroflex,采用症状和反应,以98.5%的准确率。
* _____疲劳和倦怠,昏昏欲睡
* _____机头发或皮肤(厚,干燥,鳞屑)
* _____睡眠比平常多
* _____较弱的肌肉
的冰冷的手指/手/脚* _____恒情
* _____频繁肌肉抽筋
* _____较贫穷的记忆
* _____更郁闷(情绪的变化很容易)
* _____慢思考
* _____ Puffier眼睛
* _____和数学难度
* _____ Hoarser或声音变得低沉
* _____便秘
* _____毛糙秀发/脱发/脆性
* _____肌肉/关节疼痛
* _____性欲低/阳痿
* _____蓬松手和脚
* _____步态不稳(撞到东西)
* _____长胖轻松
的眉毛细的* _____外三分之一
* _____月经多不规则(应该是28天)
* _____较重的月经(凝血/ 3+天)
* _____腕管综合征
* _____心悸(心脏跳动的跳跃)
* _____失眠
* _____心动过速(快速或不规则的心脏搏动)
* _____颤抖
* _____出汗增多
* _____指甲脆
*_____ 食欲不振
- 误导性和不准确的,在与亚临床甲状腺功能减退症患者进行分类。 18%准确
- 不惜血本,走出办公室验血,需要2ND 访问
- 没有收入,你的做法
- 这在诊断甲状腺条件具有有限的值仅测量TSH水平或有时T3,T4,和在罕见的情况FT3,FT4在血液
- 无法识别或为甲状腺功能减退症,甲状腺功能亢进,RT3和自身免疫性没有确定提供最佳的治疗
- 主观
- 没有对有症状的患者提供治疗
- 98.5%的准确率。无创伤,无痛苦快速结果
- 性价比高,在内部测试和立竿见影的效果。
- 收入你的做法
- 通过腱反射,RMR,传导速度的测量,并考虑到症状的评价
- 能够诊断,治疗和滴定,甲状腺功能,甲状腺功能低下,甲状腺功能亢进,自身免疫性疾病和RT3
- 客观证据
- 甲状腺药物治疗症状患者的最佳剂量
ThyroflexThe Thyroflex tests for thyroid conditions and further assists in the medical analysis of potential health conditions. The analysis and treatment is integrated through the revolutionary SAM (Software for Age Management). SAM provides health history, health forecasts, health condition management and treatment recommendations as a complete solution. Upon completion of the Thyroflex test, it determines whether the patient is hypothyroid, hyperthyroid, or euthyroid. The results are then uploaded into the SAM system for the next steps to prescribe the treatment according to the thyroid levels.
甲状腺药物需要“滴定”,即每30天慢慢调整药物,直到确定正确的剂量。从历史文献来看,这意味着普通患者将服用两到三粒天然生物同质甲状腺 (Biothroid),因为我们的方案建议您一次服用一粒谷物,(30 天平衡)这意味着患者将进行三到四次就诊,进行滴定和给药。一旦剂量,我们建议您允许重复一次(90 天),然后每 6 个月对患者重新测试一次。我们所有的营养保健品均符合 FDA 标准。
ThyroflexWe recommend that an initial basic blood test is given to the patient, to check some of the blood markers that can affect the thyroid such as ferritin. Usually about 15% of patients tested require extra blood tests to further assess autoimmune disease, Hashimoto’s, or Graves disease and RT3.
在接收到结果,这些疾病都需要非常具体的方案和治疗方案,已经由Nitek开发。我们的协议的第一道防线是使用全天然的生物相同的药物。直到正确的剂量达到甲状腺药物会慢慢滴定。多数患者开始感觉到在14天内药物的效果,有的病人觉得他们最好的,当他们到达药物的正确剂量。 (对于素食主义,我们使用天然生物相同甲状腺激素没有肉结缔组织或脂肪产品在其中,只有活动甲状腺激素是提取并纯化作为化学化合物)。
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