ashimoto’s disease is an autoimmune disorder in which your immune system creates antibodies that attack and damage your thyroid gland. The thyroid enlarges and you can feel nodules (lumps) on your thyroid. This leads to the gradual, long-term destruction of the thyroid gland, and therefore insufficient levels of thyroid hormones. As the disease progresses, the thyroid may produce too few thyroid hormones, resulting in hypothyroidism. Hashimoto’s disease can affect any individual at any age, but mostly occurs in middle-aged women and people with a family history of thyroid disorders.

Consequences of Hashimoto's Disease

This disease can go unnoticed for a long time. In the course of the disease the thyroid gland can become exhausted. You begin with hypothyroidism with symptoms such as:

  • La fatiga y la somnolencia y / o debilidad
  • Intolerancia al frío
  • Dificultad para concentrarse o pensar
  • Depresión
  • Aumento de peso
  • Enlarged neck or presence of goiter and, later in the disease, a small or shrunken thyroid gland
  • períodos menstruales anormales
  • Estreñimiento
  • dolor en las articulaciones o los músculos
  • Perdida de cabello
  • Piel seca
  • uñas quebradizas
  • Hinchazón de la cara

Source: Thyroid Aware and Medline Plus.

Nota: Nitek has very effective protocols, for the treatment of Hashimoto’s, very rapidly putting Hashimoto’s into remission, then guiding the patient to a cure.

THYROID DISORDERS Are A Matter of Balancing the 'Core Hormones' With Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Using Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR), Symptoms and Reflex Assessment.

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