• Dieta e Saúde da Tireóide


    O funcionamento ideal da tireoide é um fator de muitas variáveis ​​que também incluem uma dieta adequada. Algumas dietas são conhecidas por melhorar a saúde da tireoide, melhorando a síntese e o metabolismo dos hormônios tireoidianos.
    O funcionamento ideal da tireoide é um fator de muitas variáveis ​​que também incluem uma dieta adequada. Algumas dietas são conhecidas por melhorar a saúde da tireoide, melhorando a síntese e o metabolismo dos hormônios tireoidianos.
    Deficiency […]

  • Tireoidite de Hashimoto


    As disfunções da tireoide na população não são tão comuns quanto outras doenças, no entanto, estima-se que a tireoidite de Hashimoto ocorra em cerca de 3-5 pessoas em uma população de 100.000 pessoas a cada ano. Para cada caso suspeito, um método eficaz de diagnóstico e tratamento é essencial para um melhor prognóstico.
    The thyroidal inflammation […]

  • Doença ocular da tireóide


    Thyroid Eye Disease (TED) is linked with autoimmune disorder of the thyroid and can present with serious symptoms that can eventually lead to loss of vision.
    At the onset, the active disease phase is characterized by recurrent inflammation reactions that can last for a few months or years in some cases. This phase […]

  • Câncer folicular da tireoide


    Follicular Thyroid cancer constitutes about 15% of all diagnosed cases of Thyroid dysfunction, with the bulk of diagnosis recorded in regions of the world with low levels of iodine intake.
    A study published in 2011 by Oncologist has established a link between the development of ATC and the genetic make-up of patients diagnosed […]

  • Tireoidite silenciosa


    Silent Thyroiditis is an autoimmune disorder of the thyroid with a strong link with transient Hyperthyroidism and a spectrum of symptoms reflective of the stages and severity of the disease.
    Patients with this disorder experience a three-phase disease course of Hyperthyroidism, Normal thyroid functioning and Hypothyroidism. These phases can also occur in other […]

  • Post-Partum Thyroiditis


    As an autoimmune disease of the thyroid, Post-partum thyroiditis (PTT) occurs in women within the first postpartum year, characterized by transient episodes of Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism. The classic symptoms of PTT may be mild at the first stage, and easily missed during diagnosis.
    Symptoms noticed at presentation are similar to the symptoms of […]

  • A Medical Overview of Hyperthyroidism


    The thyroid gland can become overactive, releasing abnormally high volumes of the thyroid hormones. Cancerous cells can also release preformed hormones into the circulation. Hyperthyroidism results from these excess hormones.
    The volume of thyroid hormones in circulation depends mostly on the form of Hyperthyroidism –Subclinical or Overt. In both forms, however, the levels […]

  • Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer


    Anaplastic thyroid cancer (ATC) is an aggressive form of thyroid malignancy that can sometimes be resistant to drug therapy. It spreads quickly from the thyroid to other regions of the body and can impair the normal pattern of reflex conduction in the nerves and muscles.
    The prognosis of ATC is worsened by late […]